Complaints Procedure
If you are dissatisfied with the service you receive from us, you can contact us as detailed below. How to make a complaint?
You can email us at Robert.burns@burnsgarages.co.uk, call us on 01260 273553 Or write to us:
Burns Garages LTD,
Canal Street,
CW12 3AA
When you contact us, please give us full details and include information about the complaint you wish to make. We aim to respond to you within 48 working hours.
What happens next?
If you complain in writing, we aim to respond within 48 working hours. If it is not possible to give you a full reply within this time (for example, if your complaint requires further investigation), we will tell you what is being done and when you can expect a full response. We will acknowledge where things could have been done better, and tell you what will be done to avoid the same thing happening again. Equally, if we do not uphold your complaint, we will let you know why. Our response to you will include details of what to do if you believe your complaint has not been dealt with properly. Financial Ombudsman Service The Financial Ombudsman Service provides a free, independent service for customers to solve disputes relating to regulated activity. The Financial Ombudsman Service will only step in once Burns Garages LTD has had the opportunity to investigate matters, so please let us try to help you first.
Contact the Financial Ombudsman Service:
Financial OmbudsmanService
South Quay Plaza
183 Marsh Wall
London E14 9SR